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Wood Kitchenware, Wood tableware, Laundry bags, Toothpick, Cleaning tools

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资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 company ()
所 在 地 China/yunnan/honghe
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2008
经营范围 Wood Kitchenware, Wood tableware, Laundry bags, Toothpick, Cleaning tools
销售的产品 Wood Kitchenware, Wood tableware, Laundry bags, Toothpick, Cleaning tools
主营行业 Agriculture & Food    
SU-CHIA INTERNATIONAL LTD. In the beginning of our company, we were only a retailer, selling hardware products in small roadside market. With pots and other few products, our founder Mr. Kao started this business. Working through hard time to start a business, Mr. Kao led our company with strong mind. We have expanded our product lines from hardware to all kinds of home products. Business type has transformed from retail to developing our own brand products. Retail channels have expanded from roadside markets to retail stores, wholesale stores, exporter and more. Product categories have expanded from a kind of pots to over 400 types of goods in 7 major categories. We have established a great reputation and ever lasting enterprise foundation. Udilife is the brand of our company. The Birth of "Udilife" Udilife is named as Chinese pronunciation of great + life = great life. The one who can enjoy like can be called master. Our logo is given as "blue sky, white cloud, quiet atmosphere, a man swings his fishing rod, the shape of the fishing line is formed as life". It's not designed by a designer, but only draws out our founder's spirit of our brand. We expect our products can provide people with the most convenient and most practical life. Everyone can enjoy their life with their own way. Select Products, All products We provide 7 major categories of products under Udilife brand and continuously expand more items. From market evaluation, product quality control, packaging to marketing, we make every step with hard effort in order to provide the best products for all our customers. Over 10 years' market experience; working with hearts "We provide goods, you enjoy good" is not only a slogan, sign, but also a pressure of our work. Listen to our customers' opinions and put into the development of products. We will work harder and harder to establish our enterprise and make our company into farther vision. "Where I took, where I'll give" In every gathering at the end of a year, we always ended with a song of "Thank Giving". During our expansion, we also devote ourselves to charity. We believe that when everyone starts to care someone nearby and every enterprise is dedicated to the society, everyone can have better and greater life as well as more happiness. ||Less|||||| |

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